Bioinspired Simulation of Knotting Hagfish
Yura Hwang, Theodore A. Uyeno, Shinjiro Sueda
International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Lake Tahoe, NV, October 7-9, 2019.
REDMAX: Efficient & Flexible Approach for Articulated Dynamics
Ying Wang, Nicholas J. Weidner, Margaret A. Baxter, Yura Hwang, Danny M. Kaufman, Shinjiro Sueda
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38(4) 104:1-104:10 (SIGGRAPH), 2019.
Estimating Whole Body Flexibility in Pacific Hagfish
Emily E. Evans, Yura Hwang, Shinjiro Sueda, Theodore A. Uyeno
The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA, January 3-7 (poster), 2018.